A Very Cold Week Makes for Hot Learning!

This week posed it’s challenges with the frigid temperatures. Brrr! However, it provided some opportunities we might not have otherwise had. ForIMG_0785 instance, by this point in the year, nothing in the room as new and exciting as it was a few months ago. This can become a problem when there is day after day of indoor recess. On Tuesday, in trying to get away from the same old, standard choices – drawing, blocks and Legos (all good choices, but can become stale) I brought out the board games for morning indoor recess. Out came Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, checkers, Connect Four, Go Fish and Dominos. The kids have been happily playing games ever since. It gave me an informal opportunity to watch children navigate taking turns, following agreed upon rules and solving problems. I enjoyed teaching new skills to several children such as how to actually play checkers and Zingo! What fun!

Our growing number line began in September...

Our growing number line began in September…

You might be wondering about these badges on your child’s shirt are all about this week. No it’s not “Only 9 More Days” to the end of the world, it’s actually our countdown to the 100th Day of School. (Doesn’t it feel like we just celebrated the 50th?) The 100th Day of School family at-home project information went home today. I am looking forward to some cool vests coming in!

And now we are just a few days away...

And now we are just a few days away from 100 days…

We have been counting and tracking our school days and we have many fun learning activities planned over the next week or so leading up to 100th Day!

This week we also talked about the President’s job and the Inauguration. When I asked about it, I was pleased to hear so many children say they had seen a little bit or had seen their parents watching President Obama. We read about the White House and the President’s responsibilities. We then looked at a poster from our Let’s Find Out Magazine with all the Presidents’ portraits. We had a great talk about who was President when the children were born and when Mrs. Clark and I were born. Can you guess who it was for me or Mrs. Clark? 🙂

Last week I wrote about a winter writing piece we did on that snowy day. I wanted to post a few to share. Please stop by outside our room to see the rest on our bulletin board. The kids did a wonderful job!


If I were a snowflake, I would build a snowman.

If I were a snowflake, I would go sledding.

If I were a snowflake, I would go sledding.

If I were a snowflake, I would drink hot cocoa.

If I were a snowflake, I would drink hot cocoa.


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